Financial Aid
We simply DO NOT have the funds for the following:
- Diagnostics, testing , CT scans or x-rays.
- General and/or routine veterinary care (examples: vaccinations, office visits, blood work, testing, dental cleanings)
- Treatment that has already been performed. If your dog has already had surgery, been treated, etc., we do not help with those incurred vet bills.
We are not equipped to respond to emergency situations and urge you to search elsewhere if you find your pup is in a life/death situation requiring immediate medical attention.
It is our requirement that all dogs we help be spayed/neutered prior to our providing financial assistance. In rare cases when physically possible, this can be done at the same time as the needed medical treatment IF the treating veterinarian will perform the sterilization at the same price as a low cost spay/neuter clinic. Additionally, it is our requirement that all dogs in the family must have been sterilized or are scheduled to be spayed or neutered in the near future. We understand that due to medical concerns not all dogs can be sterilized. In those cases we require confirmation directly from the attending veterinarian.
The application MUST be filled out entirely before we can consider you for any financial aid assistance.
Click here for pre-application
Additionally, here is a list of other resources that may be able to assist you with your pup’s care:
Dylan's Hearts
Frankie’s Friends
Friends & Vets Helping Pets
Hope Mending Hearts
Paws 4 A Cure
Pet Assistance, Inc.
RedRover Relief
The Onyx & Breezy Foundation
The Pet Fund
Violet’s Friends
Cancer Specific Organizations
The Pet Fund
The Magic Bullet Fund
Paws 4 A Cure
Live Like Roo Foundation
FETCH a Cure
Senior Dogs
Frosted Faces
Grey Muzzle
Top Dog Foundation