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Mosby’s Story

In 1997, on an early June morning in Florida, Carole Adams found a terrified and confused puppy hiding under parked cars at a railroad station. She immediately rescued the puppy, taking him back to her Deerfield home in Virginia.

It soon became apparent that Mosby, as Carole would later name him, was an unusually loving dog. Animals that normally shun dogs like donkeys instead welcomed him, and deer would graze around him.

But it wasn’t just other animals that Mosby loved. His loving nature extended to people as well. Children, gruff old men, nursing home residents, tourists, even the governor of Virginia were drawn to him.

Mosby simply loved and respected everyone, whether you traveled on two legs or four. He warmed everyone’s heart. It’s no wonder he was named Staunton’s unofficial ambassador of goodwill.

But on August 8, 2003, a buckshot blast to Mosby’s face ended his loving life. His senseless death resulted in public outrage and ultimately became a national story.

The man who shot Mosby was convicted of Felony Animal Cruelty. He was fined $1500 but received no jail time. However, the conviction was a precedent, influencing future animal laws.

But for Carole, none of that mattered. The love of her life was gone. The sweet dog who only spread love and goodwill was brutally taken from her. Many kindhearted people sent money as a way of expressing their love and concern.

Not knowing what to do with the money, Carole finally decided there was only one way to keep Mosby’s legacy of kindness and compassion alive—pay it forward. That’s when she started The Mosby Foundation.

Today, The Foundation continues to live the love that framed Mosby’s life. Our purpose is to help rescued, sick, injured, neglected, and abused dogs to get a second chance at life. Just as Carole gave an abandoned Mosby a second chance at life.

Just as Mosby did for everyone around him, help us bring a little love into the life of a dog who needs it. With your support, since 2004, The Mosby Foundation has helped over 6,000 dogs live healthier lives, allowing them to stay with their families. Help us continue that work.


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